When you will be away for 52 days packing requires some
thought and organization. I shipped
my 2015 Specialized Diverge bike and duffel bag of supplies from Wisconsin to Bernie’s
Bike Shop in San Diego on Wednesday, 2/14. Here are the items I included in my
blue duffel bag that will be carried on the truck of our two tour mechanics.
Here are the final items I am taking on the flight to San
Diego on 2/28 with my wife Donna.
A Teton sleeping bag, bike shoes, sunglasses, Mavic helmet, trigger
point foam roller, cycle shorts/jerseys/jacket/socks, assorted clothing and for
special occasions Journeyman Last Feather Rye Whiskey.
Bubba says most riders over pack so I took this as a challenge to try and keep things to a minimum. I will probably still be over packed but certainly attempted to give this some thought.
Take along half of the stuff and double the money plus credit cards, you will be fine! Enjoy the ride!